Monday, June 9, 2008

Free Time On the Computer

Hi, sorry I haven't been, um..., ya know. Yeah OK, so things are perfectly going on in my life just until one day I was told that auntie Bernadeth's dad got shot twice, I guess. I just found out after school when I called my mom who is going to pick us up and other stuff, then BAM!!!!!!!! My mom just told me the news and I was just like omg why did that happened. I felt so sorry for auntie. So sad but the thing that i am always questioning myself is that who is the one who shot him??? Last night I felt so dizzy that I couldn't sleep and stuff like that. So ate Eloisa, if your reading this, this is the reason why I couldn't sleep and opened the door after the movie that you watched in the cinema. Now You Know Why.